By Sian Wilkinson, An 18 Year Old Fashion PR Intern.

About Me?

It's always best to introduce yourself right? Well here goes My name is Sian Wilkinson, I'm a 17 year old student living in London. Blogging is really new to me and I'm suprised at how much joy it continues to bring me! I created this Blog after following amazing Bloggers like Lydia Elise Millen and She Wears Fashion, It seemed like a pretty fun thing to do I mean putting together outfits and then putting them online. However at times it can feel like a lot of work as I know even as a start up blogger I feel pressure to constantly blog new unique outfits, and living in London the weather is rarely on my side. However it's all worth it and I'm excited to see where I can take my Blog.

So why did I choose to create my own Blog?

Well I've never been really big on hobbies and physically demanding activities have never been my strong point! Although I have always tried to take an interest in the latest trends and I'd like to say I've always taken a great interest in my own outfits but looking back I don't think this was always the case. So this is something fun that I get to do in my spare time, and it's great to be able to share my outfits as well as my reviews and opinions on everything from fashion to celeb gossip.


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